China says it can close trade deficit with U.S. by buying four Ford-class CVNs

People’s Daily, official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, has mocked the United States with a proposal to close the trade deceit between both countries by buying four Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. "If the US sold four Ford-class aircraft carriers priced at $15 billion each, it would easily make up for a $ 60 billion trade deficit with China,” said in an op-ed written by Zhong Xuanli. A pseudonym used by the Central Propaganda Department’s Theory Bureau. OriGinaL News PubLicaTion :- The US is wrong to claim that it is “at a disadvantage” and “economically invaded” in doing business with China just because it has a huge trade deficit. The US-China trade relations are mutually voluntary and complementary. China has never looked for a forced trade relationship with the US, or a trade surplus. Statistics by the United Nations (UN) indicated that in 2017 US exports of goods to China amounted to $129.89 billion, a 577% increase from $19....