F-15SA Bristles With A Dozen AIM-120 Missiles During Canyon Run

Currently, the most advanced F-15 Eagles on the planet belong to the Royal Saudi Air Force which has a decades-long history with the type. In its latest iteration, known as the F-15SA, the mighty Strike Eagle has been vastly upgraded. One of the type's most prominent new features is the activation of the Eagle's long-dormant outer-wing stores stations number one and nine. This was made possible with the help of the F-15SA's new fly-by-wire flight control system. With this upgrade, the Eagle can fly with a wide array of new weapons configurations, including being able to turn into an air-to-air 'missile truck' of sorts. This unique loadout was captured in amazing fashion by aviation photographer Christopher McGreevy as a pair of F-15SA's blasted through Star Wars Canyon on June 12, 2018. McGreevy's photos are stunning and show a pair of F-15SA's used for testing out of Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, rocketing through the crevasse, one totall...